Version 4 SHEET 1 1716 804 WIRE -304 -32 -304 -64 WIRE -304 64 -304 48 WIRE 160 112 160 80 WIRE 128 128 -304 128 WIRE 320 144 192 144 WIRE 128 160 80 160 WIRE -304 176 -304 128 WIRE 160 224 160 176 WIRE -304 288 -304 256 WIRE -64 304 -112 304 WIRE 80 304 80 160 WIRE 80 304 16 304 WIRE 192 304 80 304 WIRE 320 304 320 144 WIRE 320 304 272 304 WIRE 80 336 80 304 WIRE 80 448 80 416 FLAG -304 64 0 FLAG -304 -64 Vcc FLAG 160 80 Vcc FLAG -304 288 0 FLAG 80 448 0 FLAG -112 304 Vcc FLAG 160 224 0 FLAG -304 128 Vin SYMBOL voltage -304 160 R0 WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0 WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0 SYMATTR InstName V1 SYMATTR Value SINE(0 10 1) SYMBOL Comparators\\LT1018 160 144 R0 SYMATTR InstName U1 SYMBOL voltage -304 -48 R0 WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0 WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0 SYMATTR InstName V3 SYMATTR Value 10 SYMBOL res 32 288 R90 WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2 WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2 SYMATTR InstName Rx SYMATTR Value 10k SYMBOL res 64 320 R0 SYMATTR InstName Ry SYMATTR Value 13.3k SYMBOL res 288 288 R90 WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2 WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2 SYMATTR InstName Rh SYMATTR Value 13.3k TEXT -200 -96 Left 2 !.tran 1 TEXT 464 -24 Left 2 ;Assume Vcc = 10V, Vee=0 and rail to rail comparator.\n \nWorkings:\n1) When Vout is HIGH, then Vout = 10V, Rh and Rx are in parallel and\nVa = Ry/(Ry + Rx//Rh) Vcc = 13.3k/21.71k* 10 = 7V.\n2) If Vout > 7V, then Vout goes LOW and Vout =0V. Now Ry and Rh are in parallel and\nVa = (Ry//Rh)/(Rx + Ry//Rh) Vcc = 6.65k/16.65k * 10 = 4V.\n3) If Vout < 4V, then Vout goes HIGH again and the cycle repeats\n \nNotes:\n1) Hysteresis window width is 3V.\n2) Hysteresis window is shifted to the right of the orgin. Useful for light sensors.\n3) Hysteresis window is [4, 7] V.\n \nVin = Signal\nVh = Upper threshold of hysteresis cylce. When Vin > Vh, U1 goes low\nVL = Lower threshold of hysteresis cylce. When Vin < VL, U1 goes high\nRh = Hysteresis level resistor\n \nHow to design:\n1. Select Vcc, VL, Vh.\n2. Set Rx. Rx = user set (arbitrarily)\n3. Find Rh from Rh/Rx = VL/(Vh-VL)\n4. Find Ry from Ry/Rx = VL/(Vcc-Vh)\n \nIn the example:\n1. Vcc = 10V, VL = 4V, Vh=7V.\n2. Rx = 10k.\n3. Rh = 1.33 Rx\n4. Ry = 1.33 Rx TEXT -344 -168 Left 4 ;Comparator with hysteresis: shifted hysteresis window. TEXT 56 280 Left 2 ;A